Did you know… that there are two sides of the law? There is ‘the public side’ which is the one you are most likely operating in which subjects you to federal mandates, incessant regulations, fines, fees, penalties, jail and even death.
‘The Private Side’ is available to everyone and provides an escape from ‘public law’. However, nobody will talk about it because it’s deemed a ‘threat’ to the ‘system’. The mafia doesn’t like competition you know!
OK here’s a little tidbit for you to ponder… A ‘license’ or ‘permit’ is a limited permission to do that which is otherwise illegal.
Question #1… when did it become ‘illegal’ to get married? Don’t you need a ‘license’?
Question #2… when did it become illegal to repair your own home? Don’t you need a ‘permit’?
… and why to I need to pay someone else for their permission to manage my own affairs and my own property?
We (Americans) don’t get rights ‘from’ the constitution as so many people mistakenly say. The constitution was created to ‘protect’ our naturally endowed God given rights and to bind down the hands of mischievous men in power so that they could NOT infringe upon those rights that are bestowed upon us by God.
So the last question of the day is: “So then why are our public servants and elected representatives ignoring those limitations and creating civil strife against the people (their masters) with constant harassment and police powers?” The answer is as clear as black and white and you will be surprised. It’s not ‘them’ that are in error. It’s you!
Let me set up the scenario so we can understand this a little better. Let’s say I have a little private island in the middle of the ocean and I want to do business. But there are no customers. I see a cruise ship going by every day. I want those people to be my customers, and not just for a ‘day visit’, but forever. So, to get the men interested, I offer plenty of cute island girls and free beer. To get the women interested, I offer free spa and beauty treatments and unlimited free shoes of all kinds!
So word gets out and the cruise clients demand that the ship stop along the way which it soon does to keep their cruise business going and their customers happy. As people enter the island we have immigration checkpoint of course. To get on the island, I have everyone sign a contract which basically says that they give up all natural rights at the shoreline, and on the island they must abide by all commercial regulations on the island. And when the people leave the island, the terms of the contract say that ‘the person’ must abide by the same rules henceforth, wherever they go.
Now, of course law doesn’t normally work this way as there are jurisdictional issues. To get around this, I know I can’t control John Smith when he goes home to Kentucky. So, I’ll get John Smith to admit that he is JOHN SMITH, which by operation of law is another ‘legal person’. And as long as John Smith, thinks he’s JOHN SMITH, he’ll have to send me money whenever I send JOHN SMITH a bill because it’s in the contract and he agreed to it.
The people don’t care, and they don’t understand anyway at first. They just want island girls, free beer and free shoes! They say ‘yeah, yeah, whatever… ‘ and sign the contract to get on the island to get their benefits. Knowing that ‘no law can abrogate the rights of contract’, I’m feeling pretty good that I’m getting shiploads of new customers every day who are committing to me for life, by contract.
My fees, taxes and other business I take in more than pays for the beer and shoes I give away and now with this business model, I can show investors a steady stream of incoming new customers. With my accounting books and cash flow I can now borrow huge amounts of money to build my empire, enforce my contracts, and grow, grow grow! My little island business is a HUGE success!
So then, in reality, my little ‘island business’ is only 10 miles square in area and surrounded by Virginia and Maryland. Yep, the UNITED STATES government, which is not to be confused with the republic of the united ‘States of America’. It’s spelled this way with small ‘u’ because the word ‘united’ here is used as an ‘adjective’, not part of the name. It describes the noun which is the governmental unit for the ‘States of America’, which are supreme on the ‘Private Side’ of the law.
This is a not so small and very important distinction. The ‘republic’ is the de jure, or ‘lawful’ government where the private side of the law i.e. your God given rights and constitutional limitations on government, are operational.
The UNITED STATES is a corporate entity governed by corporate bylaws i.e. legislation for its corporate members and all those who volunteer into its jurisdiction by way of contract!
In the old days of the republic, when babies were born, the permanent record of birth was made in the family bible, the name listed as John Smith, and it was witnessed by those present for authentication. Under the new system, people apply for the BIRTH CERTIFICATE which creates our legal, juristic person: JOHN SMITH in place of John Smith and immediately, as a baby there are two people born. The living breathing person, and the fictitious ‘trust’ entity (legal person) which will serve ‘my island business’.
Now, since 1933, when House Joint Resolution 192 removed ‘lawful money’ from circulation and there was no more money to ‘pay’ for things (i.e. gold and silver) a whole new system emerged. At that time, the medium of exchange became ‘credit’ or ‘promises to pay’ (i.e. Federal Reserve Note). All we get are ‘promises to pay’ which never get paid (at law) and so by operation of law, this ‘benefit’ which is the privilege of ‘discharging’ the liability of a debt (not actually paying for it by law) brings us under the purview of ‘the laws of commerce’ in all that we do. Commerce of course is regulated. THE UNITED STATES then makes everything a ‘commercial activity’ for JOHN SMITH which allows it to regulate JOHN SMITH from cradle to grave and JOHN SMITH pays fees, registrations, fines, taxes and incurs potential criminal penalties if he doesn’t follow the corporate by laws i.e. Federal regs.
So now are you starting to see the lines of distinction between the ‘Private’ side of the law and the ‘Public’ side?
And so now let’s go back to the benefits. They tell us, “You need the birth certificate in order to enroll your child in school, and to get a job, and to enroll in Social security, and, and, and… ” Before you know it, you have so many ‘adhesion contracts’ (non-negotiable) with the island business, you are completely wrapped up and can never claim your God given right’s because they are superseded by your ‘voluntary agreement’ when you applied for benefits and entered into ‘contract’ with THE UNITED STATES.
This is why ‘the constitution’ no longer applies to most people. Just like Esau gave up his inheritance for a bowl of porridge in the book of Genesis, most of us have done the same thing. Nearly all courts in the UNITED STATES are courts of ‘Admiralty’ jurisdiction. They are administrative tribunals administering the bankruptcy of THE UNITED STATES (bankrupt since they removed the ‘lawful money’ in HJR 192). The courts are there only to administer the contract under bankruptcy laws. They are NOT there to protect your rights. They have no jurisdiction or authority over that. It’s not that the judge is ‘bad’, he or she is only following the rules of the court in Admiralty. So if you demand constitutional rights in a contract court of Admiralty, then ‘you’ are the one who is out of order!
We’ve only scratched the surface on this subject but I hope I’ve gotten your attention. Everyone should understand this and what the remedies are. Demanding rights and putting hope in the political process are folly and a complete waste of time (on the national level) until you and your sheriff understand the operation of law and whether you are on the PUBLIC SIDE or the Private side.