Author: Harper Turner

Why Does a Claim Take So Long?

Why Does a Claim Take So Long?

“Why is my claim taking so long” is one of the most common questions raised by clients (usually more than once). Solicitors will often answer with a brief comment regarding the complicated nature of these types of claim. While this is correct, it rarely satisfies clients as it does not respond to the question. This […]

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Six Repair Tools for Your Marriage
Family law

Six Repair Tools for Your Marriage

Rudy and Marjorie were on the verge of divorce. Married 12 years, they had constant verbal battles ending in what therapists call call emotional disengagement– meaning that they simply ignored each other for days on end. Emotionally, they were simmering inside and also lonely for each other, but were unable to reach out and communicate […]

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What to Do When an Ambulance Hits a Parked Car
Legal services

What to Do When an Ambulance Hits a Parked Car

What can you do if an ambulance has hit your parked car? This scenario happens more often than you think, and there are steps that you can take to try and recoup some of that car repair money. As with any case, we do urge you to speak with a qualified attorney immediately about your […]

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Maintaining Law and Order in a Society
Legal rights

Maintaining Law and Order in a Society

For maintaining law and order in a society, there must be rules that should be followed so that the ones which have done the wrong deeds in their lives get their reward. Many ways are always present to bring a person to the pleasant life although he has done wrong deed but punishment is not […]

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A Sample Divorce Narrative to Help You Understand the Process of Filing and Pursuing a Divorce
Criminal defense

A Sample Divorce Narrative to Help You Understand the Process of Filing and Pursuing a Divorce

Understanding the steps and breakdown of a divorce will help you fully comprehend what is needed and required in order to properly start and serve your ex-wife with divorce papers. Here is a quick breakdown of the standard procedures involved in filing the initial divorce and properly serving your ex-wife. First, you will start the […]

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A Beginner’s Guide to Legal Translation Services
Legal services

A Beginner’s Guide to Legal Translation Services

You might not even consider legal translation services as something which you or your company will ever need, but when you’re working internationally it is essentially a vital service which you’ll require far more often than you’d imagine. Why might you need legal translation services? There’s so many different reasons why you might need to […]

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Divorce Recovery and Early Dating: When Is It OK to Start Dating Again?
Family law

Divorce Recovery and Early Dating: When Is It OK to Start Dating Again?

There is a lot of heat, but very little light generated by asking when we should resume dating. Some say wait a year. Some say asap in order to get over the divorce. Some say don’t date if the divorce is not final. Some say go for it if the marriage is over, regardless of […]

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How To Beat A DNA Paternity Test

How To Beat A DNA Paternity Test

Do you think you know how to beat a DNA paternity test? Well some people have given advice on how to beat a paternity test, but in all reality, you cannot alter your DNA. You can try drugs, food, water intake, medications and alcohol, but the results will remain the same, if you are a […]

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