
Peran dan Tujuan PAFI (Persatuan Ahli Farmasi Indonesia) Dalam Perkembangan Dunia Farmasi

Peran dan Tujuan PAFI (Persatuan Ahli Farmasi Indonesia) Dalam Perkembangan Dunia Farmasi

Dalam era modern yang terus berkembang, peran ahli farmasi menjadi semakin krusial. Di Indonesia, PAFI (Persatuan Ahli Farmasi Indonesia) berdiri sebagai garda depan dalam memajukan dunia farmasi. Peran PAFI tidak hanya terbatas pada pengembangan profesionalisme anggotanya, tetapi juga mencakup berbagai aspek yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan masyarakat secara luas. Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Salah satu […]

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The Future of the Social Media
Health Social Media

The Future of the Social Media

“Here was a merry world, my masters!” (Thomas Middleton) The status of the social media is not what it was. Free speech has been threatened in its last bastion. Social media has changed how we access information from the news. This is one of the reasons why social media has been adopted by increasingly larger […]

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How Can a Construction Company Take Care of Workers’ Health?
Health Legal services

How Can a Construction Company Take Care of Workers’ Health?

Construction companies are the most badly hit by accidents at sites. It leads to massive loss of productivity and revenue in addition to other perils like prosecution and bad press. As per HSE report – 1.7 million working days and over a billion pound are lost every year due to on-site injuries and sickness. So, […]

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