Do You Need a Lawyer for Your Car Accident?
If you’re legally driving on the roads and you’ve had a car accident your insurance company will take care of everything, right? Not necessarily. Your insurance company has an interest in protecting their assets and paying out as little as possible for accidents. They are in the risk management business which is why your rates typically go up after an accident. When you’ve been in a Brooklyn car accident, you might need your own lawyer to help represent your desires and requirements when it’s time to have everything settled.
Multiple Insurance Companies
There are times when multiple insurance companies will be involved in the settlement of a claim and that might cause delays and even a denial of the claim by your insurance company or one of the others. When this happens, you need the team at Maniatis Law to provide you the assistance you need in order to receive a fair settlement of your case. This team can step in and provide the expertise needed to make sure the multiple insurance companies are able to come together and reach the right conclusion for your claim.
Uninsured Motorist
Unfortunately, there are many drivers on the road who don’t carry the necessary insurance when they drive. This puts you in the precarious position of relying on your own insurance company to pay the claim needed. Sometimes, there’s hesitation by your own company, even when you’re paying for Uninsured Motorist coverage as part of your insurance coverage. Having your own lawyer on your side can facilitate the processing of your claim, file a suit against the motorist that should have but wasn’t insured, and put pressure on your insurance company to pay out the claim that you have with them.
Finding Fault
When you’re driving in Brooklyn and you’ve been in a car accident, the first thing you’re supposed to do is make sure everyone is safe and not in need of first aid. After this, you’re supposed to have a police report filed. Unfortunately, there are times when a police report isn’t taken, which can cause confusion. Other times, a police report might not specifically spell out which driver was at fault. When this happens, you’re going to want to hire your own lawyer to help you have the protection you need with a voice on your side.
The Right Lawyer
Don’t hire just anyone to represent you when you’ve been in a car accident. Make sure you have a legal team that’s willing to work hard to receive the settlement that you need. The team at Maniatis Law will continue to fight and work to ensure your settlement reaches the level it should. Let this team be the right one on your side that brings your car accident to a resolution. Your car accident doesn’t have to be one that causes you a burden, let this legal team bring your claim to a positive resolution.