It is a divine law for wives to be submissive to their own husbands if they are to have a blissful marriage (Ephesians 5:22). Some wives would like to do so, but they do not know how. The keys to effectively submit to the one they love are here. Take them. Apply them. Enjoy that marriage of your dream.
Submission is willingly putting oneself under an authority. The proud and ungodly, says it is foolish to be submissive, but to the humble and godly, it is wisdom. Every wise woman builds her house; but the foolish plucks it down with her own hands (Proverbs14:1). When we refuse to do God’s word we expose our lives to the influence of the devil, who comes in to steal, to kill and to destroy peace in marriages. God’s word is a road map to anyone who adopts it. Therefore, a wife’s submission to her husband is not to debase her in any way nor to advocate her husband’s supremacy. It is wisely recognising and fulfilling her complimentary role in the marriage union. If we will let this mind be in us, the struggle for supremacy, pride, arrogance, and rebellion in homes would stop. Let us examine some of those keys to learn.
The first key is that submission must come from your heart. Until submission takes its root in your heart it will not endure when pressure comes. This is why women who conditionally submit to their husbands soon become rebellious when the motivation for it fades. Make your heart tender with the Word of God. You might ask how? Use the Word of God. When you hear the Word of God on submission, receive it with meekness and joy; keep it and do it patiently until the fruits become evident for all to see. Learn to diligently guard your heart against the subtle voice of the devil trying to steal those lofty Words you have heard.
Meditation on the Word on submission is a second key you need to learn. Ensure you meditate on the word of God you hear until it becomes a part of your being so that it can bear fruit in your marriage. Speak words that will boost the morale of your spouse. Speak edifying words to your marriage. Take positive actions that will truly prove you are the submissive wife of God’s dream.
The third step is to take practical steps against rebellion in your heart. One of such steps is to mind the company you keep. The bible says evil communication corrupts good manners. It is time to deprogram your life of those worldly associations that have programmed you for rebellion against the peace of your mind. Let those of them in captivity seek deliverance. You are a free child of God. So, be it! Remove those books and movies that are contrary to the Word of God from your shelf. You don’t need them. Take a stand. It is in your own interest.
Added to the above is absolute love for your spouse. Perfect love casts out fear, the fear of dominion. If you truly loved him you would submit to him in all things. You will not be afraid of him dominating you because submission attracts love. Let your love for him be tangibly expressed. Overcome that fear with your expressed love.
Above all, both partners should submit to God. The husband’s submission to God will attract same level of submission from his wife. Abraham submitted to God and Sarah submitted to Abraham.
In conclusion, every great marriage must make God’s word the standard for living. God’s word advocates submission as the key to a successful marriage. Therefore accept it.